Well it was a year that'll be remembered forever and one that us at Tas-Tee would like to move on from rather quickly. As a company we fought COVID-19 on many fronts. Production was completely shut down as our US facility took the necessary precautions. We also had to shuffle personnel to remain as safe as possible. The year was mostly making plans and then watching them crumble.
This time last year our Tas-Tee Team drove from north Texas to Phoenix AZ for the Waste Management Open. We went EVERY DAY, we made it to #16 on Sat, we soaked it ALL up, we met Michael Phelps and Larry Fitz, we had a BLAST! Then we came back to Texas with all the momentum and watched it fizzle as COVID turned our business on its head.
Some of us even had to get other jobs (the horror! lol)
Although COVID was, by no means, an ideal catalyst, we are a more efficient company because of this trial. Our saving grace is and will always be you guys. Oh the wonderful places our Tas-Tees have travelled and the spectacular golf they have witnessed. It truly warms my heart to think of all the great stories behind your Tas-Tee orders. KEEP EM COMIN!
While we are still adjusting to our new business model, I wanted to personally thank you all for sticking with us through this trying time.
Owner and Founder of Tas-Tee
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